At the Annual General Meeting of Äkta Vara, an non-profit organisation, lobbying for better food quality: less additives, more raw products – more food in food.
Four new members were elected to the board:
Edit Künstlicher. Communications consultant and brand strategist with special focus on food. Earlier founder of the largest e-magazine with ecofocus, LivingGreen.
Karin Nordström. Works with business development with sustainable focus through the own company Hellolittlefuture. Listed as one of Sweden´s Super Talents in 2013 by business magazine Veckans Affärer.
Ulrika Brydling. Well-known chef with eco-profile. Has earlier been operating restaurants in Sweden and is now cooking in TV4 Vardagspuls.
As Deputy:
Christine Pålsson. Has earlier worked with strategic market communication, PR, event and with in-house sales within retail. Studying to diet and health advisor at Uppsala University.
Since earlier Björn Bernhardson, Kicki Theander, Eva Bernhardson and Paul Svensson are members of the board. Kicki Theander continues as Chairman of the Board.